Course Descriptions
Water and Wastewater Environmental Training
Course Descriptions
Note: Not all of these courses are offered in the current MCET schedule. You are encouraged to contact MCET regarding training you're interested in taking.
Looking for a specific class or topic? Get in touch to see if we can offer it.
21st Century Drinking Water Corrosion Control TRE 2720-03-03 All Catagories, All Classes - Process - 7 hours
Facility operators must look at both operational and measurement practices needed to achieve a well-run operation. Participants will explore the two most important measurement parameters an operator can make, but which typically take a back-seat in importance. In addition, three key operational practices most often ignored in the chemical feed process will be discussed, such as the advantages of always using the weakest possible strength of a chemical that is practical. Just because one can buy 12% Hypochlorite, or 50% caustic, doesn't necessarily it should be dosed at full strength.
5 Common-Sense Practices of Well-Run Water/Wastewater Facilities TRE 4685-09-11 All Catagories, All Classes - Process - 7 hours
Facility operators must look at both operational and measurement practices needed to achieve a well-run operation. Participants will explore the two most important measurement parameters an operator can make, but which typically take a back-seat in importance. In addition, three key operational practices most often ignored in the chemical feed process will be discussed, such as the advantages of always using the weakest possible strength of a chemical that is practical. Just because one can buy 12% Hypochlorite, or 50% caustic, doesn't necessarily it should be dosed at full strength.
5 Sure-Fire Ways to a Coliform Hit in Your Water System TRE 5078-12-03 Water Treatment, Water Distribution - Process - 7 hours
Operators know how easy it is to introduce pathogenic organisms into the water system. This program looks at 5 little-known paths resulting in the potential introduction of pathogens to a water system. Through computer graphics and supporting texts, we will review the typical disinfection protocol used in the repairs of distribution systems and examine basic sampling techniques. Topics covered will include: how system contamination occurs, the most common residual based test methods, and how and why some common Chlorine test methods have little known interferences, and may even lead to false Free Chlorine residuals. Discussion will include methods to recognize and resolve these and other issues.
Activated Sludge - BOD Removal and Nitrification TRE 5903-16-05 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater Class 5-7 - Process - 7 hours
This activated sludge process class is designed to help wastewater operators understand the basic operations and control of activated sludge processes. The class will discuss activated sludge process modifications, their advantages and disadvantages, and long term process control. Operators will explore the critical components and microbiology of activated sludge processes, how to develop effective sampling programs and analyze lab results, and how they relate to other wastewater treatment processes.
Activated Sludge - Evolution to Nitrogen Removal TRE 5906-16-05 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater Class 5-7 - Process - 7 hours
This class will discuss the various activated sludge configurations currently used, available, and evolving for activated sludge, BNR, and ENR processes. The objective of this class is to give activated sludge plant operators a more in-depth understanding of the activated sludge process. With this understanding, effluent quality variability and process energy usage can be reduced. Topics to be presented include: wastewater characterization, biological N & P removal, the importance of sludge quality, measuring and controlling sludge quality, WAS flow control, RAS flow optimization, secondary clarifier performance diagnostic testing. Specifically, types of aeration diffusers (mechanical, fine bubble, and membranes) and blowers (positive, multistage, single stage, and high speed) will be addressed. The influence of MCRT and MLSS will also be addressed as to the efficiency, ease (or difficulty) and cost of aeration. Finally, helpful operating hints will be provided based on experiences from operating facilities. Attendees will pick up vital information that can be used immediately to improve operation of biological processes.
Activated Sludge Process Control TRE 1176-95-02 Wastewater 3,5, Industrial Wastewater 5 - Process - 7 hours
Final effluent quality is largely dependent on the composition of the biomass in an activated sludge plant. This course is designed to review the principles of biologically treating wastewater with activated sludge, defining and examining traditional process control tests, performing and interpreting each test, and recording test results. Participants will be introduced to testing techniques for detailed microscope biomass examination; food to mass ratio; mean cell residence time; sludge age; settleability; sludge volume index; oxygen uptake rate; and sludge blanket depth. Each participant should bring a calculator to this class.
Advanced Treatment Technologies for the 21st Century TRE 7046-21-07 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Today's technological advances have resulted in our ability to measure and report emerging contaminates and pathogens. Trace amounts of pharmaceuticals, organics, (PFAS) pathogenic microorganisms (Covid-19, freshwater flesh-eating Amoeba) and others have prompted operators and superintendents to explore treatment technologies available to best meet these potential challenges. This program explores applications of chemical oxidation, absorbance, absorbance, filtration, precipitation, and the combination of advanced technologies currently available; in-use as well as future treatment capabilities expected to meet these challenges. We will explore Chlorine Dioxide, Peracetic Acid, Fenton’s reaction, and combination with UV, Ozone, Advance Oxidation Process, and even the use and application of Nanotechnology to meet future treatment needs.
Aeration of Activated Sludge, BNR, and ENR Processes TRE 4855-10-12 All Wastewater Operators and Superintendents, All Industrial Wastewater Operators and Superintendents - Process - 7 hours
Different technologies are used to aerate activated sludge processes, including Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) and Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) processes. Various aeration options currently used, available, and evolving for activated sludge, BNR and ENR processes will be covered in this course. Specifically, types of aeration diffusers (mechanical, fine bubble, and membranes) and blowers (positive, multistage, single stage, and high speed) will be addressed. The influence of MCRT and MLSS will also be addressed as to the efficiency, ease (or difficulty) and cost of aeration. Airflow rate requirements and their calculations will be discussed in depth. Diffuser fouling and scaling issues will be discussed. Finally, helpful operating hints will be provided based on experiences from operating facilities.
Annual Refresher - The Safe Operator TRE 4094-07-09 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
Employers are required, under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards to conduct annual safety training for their employees. The safety training content is determined by the nature of the organization’s duties, tasks, and functions required of their employees. Participants will discuss case studies facilitated by the instructor and review the OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926 and 29 CFR 1910 in the following areas: confined space entry, respiratory protection, lockout/tagout and excavation safety.
Applied Process Mathematics TRE 6026-16-11 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Operators often have to use higher level mathematical formulas to perform their day to day work functions. This course will build on mathematical concepts taught in Introduction to Applied Process Mathematics and is designed to provide operators with problem solving skills specific to the water and wastewater industry. Participants will practice manipulating formulas for unknown variables, analyze operational problems using math skills, and review math skills necessary for certification exams. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to calculate operational problems such as flow quantity, effluent treatment and sludge volume.
ATSSA Flagger Certification Training TRE 5736-15-06 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 4 hours
Do you control traffic through a work zone in Maryland? Is it your responsibility to provide safe passage through and around work zones? This certified flagger course is a must for the work zone flagger and will certify you in safe flagging techniques. Topics will include the standard skill set of a good flagger, standard flagger control references, flagging signals and procedures, and standard flagger practices for various situations. ATSSA is a nationally recognized training program taught by a certified ATSSA trainer. Participants successfully completing the training will receive a laminated flagger certification card.
Basic and Enhanced Nutrient Removal TRE 4073-07-07 All Wastewater, All Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Wastewater treatment facility personnel will review the biological nutrient removal processes, including both basic and enhanced, for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Forms of nitrogen and phosphorus nitrification and denitrification, chemical and biological phosphorus removal, alkalinity adjustment, supplemental carbon sources, process testing, control and permit compliance will all be discussed in detail. Process configurations and operational techniques to optimize year-round effluent performances will be discussed for both nitrogen and phosphorus.
Basic Concepts of Wastewater Treatment TRE 4874-11-02 Wastewater 1-6, S, A, All Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Operators are responsible for protecting the environment and public health through the appropriate treatment of wastewater received at their facility. Topics to be covered include all aspects of treating wastewater: primary treatment, biological treatment methods, secondary treatment, sludge handling, chlorination and dechlorination methods, chemical addition, and use of key data to take control of the treatment process. This course will assist in preparing operators for the wastewater treatment certification examination and experienced operators will benefit from reviewing key concepts for processes that may not be used at their facilities.
Basic Microscopy for Wastewater Operators TRE 2276-01-04 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Wastewater operators will obtain improved process control through microscopic examination of mixed liquors and other waste streams. Starting with the basics, participants will be introduced to microscope features and benefits, the microscope selection process, and cost factors. The course includes an overview of sampling, slide preparation, maintenance, staining techniques, and sample examination. The course will also cover organism identification and the effects of the presence, absence, mobility, and organism type on wastewater process control.
Basic Wastewater Process Math TRE 6899-20-12-O All Operators - Process - 7 hours
New operators need to understand and perform calculations necessary for process control at their wastewater treatment plant or in their collection system. Although this course is geared towards beginners, it will also serve as a refresher for experience operators. The student handouts will serve as a reference during the workshop portion of this class and for future use at their own facilities or when preparing for certification exams. Math formulas and parameters used for making basic process control decisions will be discussed. Operators will complete word problems where math calculations are necessary to make a process control change or troubleshoot a performance issue at a wastewater treatment plant or collection system. Course will cover the math used in chemical feed applications, hydraulics, horsepower, sizing of tanks and treatment units, loading rates on clarifiers, and activated sludge process control. In the afternoon segment of the class, students will be placed into groups and assigned one or two case studies. Operators must bring a calculator to class.
Biological Components of Wastewater TRE 5702-15-04 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastwater, Wastewater Collection, Superintendents - Process - 7 Hours
Wastewater contains countless numbers of living organisms, most of which are too small to see with the naked eye. This course will review the wide variety of pathogens that are present in wastewater, sludge, foam, compost, aerosols and contaminated surfaces and present potential and actual risks to wastewater personnel. Pathogens reviewed include: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminthes (worms) as well as allergens, endotoxins and exotoxins. Topics presented include: an overview of relevant history, hazards and organisms; aerosols, compost, foam and sludge; disease transmission and the body's defenses; removal, inactivation and destruction of pathogens; hygiene measures; and protective equipment and immunizations.
Certification Examination Preparation (Wastewater) 2833-03-06 All Wastewater, Wastewater Collections - Non-Process - 7 hours
Preparing for and passing the certification examination is often the most challenging part of becoming a certified operator. This one-day course is designed to help prepare wastewater operators for the certification examination. Mathematics, process issues, and maintenance problems will be reviewed specifically in the context of wastewater treatment. General math and maintenance principles will be reviewed to meet the specific job needs of those individuals attending. Each participant should bring a calculator to this class.
Certification Examination Preparation (Water) 2832-03-06 All Water Treatment, Water Distribution - Non-Process - 7 hours
Preparing for and passing the certification examination is often the most challenging part of becoming a certified operator. This one-day course is designed to help prepare water operators for their certification examination. Mathematics, process issues, and maintenance problems will be reviewed specifically in the context of water treatment and distribution. General math and maintenance principles will be reviewed to meet the specific job needs of those individuals attending. Each participant should bring a calculator to this class.
Chemical Treatment TRE 6021-16-11 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater, Water Treatment - Process - 7 hours
Most water and wastewater treatment plants use chemicals for some of the processes. In water treatment, chemicals are used to adjust pH, aid in settling particulate matter, to enhance filtration, and to remove trace constituents. In wastewater treatment, chemicals can be used to remove phosphorus, enhance settling in primary and/or biological treatment and assist in odor control, sludge thickening, sludge dewatering, and sludge stabilization. In this class, students will learn about the various chemicals used, how they can be stored and handled safely, and how to calculate dosages. Ideas on costs and how to contract for the purchase of chemicals will be provided.
Chlorination Technology TRE 5905-16-05 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Chlorine is a widely used disinfectant which can be supplied in different many forms including chlorine gas, hypochlorite solutions, and other chlorine compounds in solid or liquid from. As the utility industry seeks safer and more effective disinfectants, many treatment plants are now applying sodium hypochlorite. Operators will benefit from this one-day course designed to review the benefits and drawbacks of switching from gas chlorination to sodium hypochlorite. Topics will include principles of feeding gas chlorine and hypochlorite metering pumps as applied in the water/ waste water industry. Preventative maintenance recommendations for both chlorine gas and liquid bleach feed systems will be included. The disinfection action of chlorine in water treatment is described in detail as well as the hazards associated with the safe handling and storage.
Coagulation, Flocculation, Sedimentation and Filtration TRE 275-87-05 Wastewater 3-5, A, Water Treatment 3-4, Industrial Wastewater 5-7 - Process - 7 hours
Designed to assist water plant operators, this advanced course focuses on tracking the flow of water through the four fundamental chemical/physical processes in water treatment. Participants will examine chemical reactions, the physical event of each process, and the plant equipment involved. Instruction and practice in solving typical operational and mathematical problems associated with these treatment functions will also be covered. (This course has received TRE certification for both water and wastewater operators because some wastewater treatment plants may employ one or more of these processes). Each participant should bring a calculator to this class.
Collection System Operation and Maintenance TRE 5128-12-06 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater, Wastewater Collections, Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
The new and experienced collection system worker will be provided with a comprehensive overview of collection system theory, construction, and operation and maintenance as it relates to wastewater systems. Topics covered will include the purpose, design and construction of wastewater collection systems; the environmental impact of a poorly functioning collection system; how waste water collection systems work; the worker's role in operation and maintenance and the methods used in maintaining and repairing collection system components.
Concepts of Drinking Water Treatment TRE 3819-06-07 All Water Treatment, Water Distribution - Process - 7 hours
Totally new to the drinking water treatment field, or just looking for a refresher? Recently hired apprentices and trainees will be introduced to the Safe Drinking Water Act and how it applies to the operator. The concepts of water sources, water storage and distribution systems will be introduced during this course. Other topics covered will include basic concepts of pumping and pressure maintenance, disinfection, storage tanks, fluoridation, corrosion control, and plant safety. Participants will further discuss the key elements of an effective safety program.
Confined Space Entry TRE 1832-98-11 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
Employees who work in confined spaces may face increased risk of exposure to serious hazards. Participants in this course will be introduced to the requirements for permit-required confined spaces for both the OSHA standard and the Maryland-specific requirement as outlined in OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910. Topics covered will include: entry permit programs, criteria for permit-required confined spaces, health and safety procedures for workers in confined spaces, hazard identification and equipment requirements, and rescue procedures. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to determine if an area is a confined space; evaluate hazards associated with confined space entry, including lockout/tagout procedures; develop policies and procedures to address confined space hazards in the workplace; and select suitable confined space entry equipment.
Conflict Resolution - The Operator and Superintendent TRE 1826-98-11 All Categories, All Classes, Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
The question isn't whether you will have conflict: rather it is how effectively you manage conflict. Dealing with conflict is a normal requirement of daily life, at the work site, in the field, both as an employee or supervisor. This interactive training will provide both experienced and newer employees in the water and wastewater industry with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and resolve conflict in their daily work life and beyond. Both operators and superintendents will learn the basics of effective negotiations, including how to distinguish critical interests and discover what's needed for successful negotiation or collaboration. Learn skills that maximize your ability to reach a solution, including whom to involve in negotiations, what issues may be negotiated successfully, and when to seek assistance. The course will also provide an understanding of key approaches and techniques used by all successful negotiators. Participants will practice key negotiating skills such as negotiation preparation, active listening, effective questioning, and reframing through a series of interactive simulations.
Conversion or Removal of Nitrogen from Sewage TRE 4704-09-12 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Why and how is nitrogen removed, or converted to a less objectionable form, from wastewater? Treatment operators will gain an increased understanding and operational skills regarding treatment processes taking into account structural requirements, chemical requirements, operational strategies, and performance standards such as: nitrification; denitrification; breakpoint chlorination; ion exchanges; ammonia stripping; nitrogen sources and forms; biological exchange; and combined phosphorus and nitrogen removal systems technology.
Disinfection Operations for Water and Wastewater Systems - 7 hrs
Water and wastewater system operators will learn about chlorine and its alternatives for the primary disinfection of drinking water and treated wastewater. These alternatives may reduce disinfection by-products and eliminate the need for dechlorination. The course will describe the key criteria for disinfectant selection, including cost, safety, maintainability, control, and monitoring considerations. Also presented are the pros and cons of chlorine dioxide and chloramines as alternatives to help reduce disinfection by-products and the benefits and features of alternative disinfectants like ozone, ultraviolet, mixed oxidant systems, and peroxide. The course includes a look at the various laboratory methods to determine residuals and demonstrations of some of the practical simplified test protocols. Finally, some class time is devoted to hands-on practice of a number of residual test methods.
Disinfection through Chlorination TRE 6667-19-11-A All Operators - Process - 7 hrs
This class provides a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of disinfection with chlorine, the regulatory framework for using chlorine products, targeted pathogens and the generation of harmful disinfection by-products when chlorine reacts with natural organic materials (NOM) in the water. The disinfection action of chlorine in water and wastewater treatment, the hazards of chlorine and the formation of disinfection by-products is described along with the need for safe chemical handling and storage. This class is designed to help participants recognize how and when to use various forms of chlorine chemicals. Operators will benefit from this one-day course designed to review the benefits and drawbacks of switching from gas to liquid systems. Topics will include principles of feeding gas chlorine, pumping hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide solutions using metering pumps, e.g. diaphragm and peristaltic and preventative maintenance recommendations for both chlorine gas and liquid feed systems.
Effective Particle/Turbidity Removal at Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities TRE 6163-17-06 All Water Treatment, Water Distribution, Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Designed to assist water and wastewater facility operations staff, this advanced course focuses on the operational considerations associated with effective turbidity and particle removal in conventional water treatment plants and advanced wastewater treatment plants. Physical and chemical methods of treatment will be covered in detail, including coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation/clarification, and filtration. Descriptions of the technology associated with each, as well as routine monitoring, operation, and troubleshooting will be discussed. Exercises in solving typical operational problems associated with these treatment technologies and related process math will be included.
Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout TRE 2672-02-11 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
Appropriate techniques for controlling and isolating all power sources which a plant employee might come into contact will be covered in this course. These include electrical currents, hydraulic flows, compressed air, and even vacuums. In addition, participants will learn to develop and describe in writing a lockout/tagout procedure for their facility.
Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Public Utility TRE 5614-14-12 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
In the past thirty years there have been thirty-five new infectious diseases identified around the world, with names now familiar to us, such as Hepatitis C, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, and the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The prevention and control of infectious diseases involves dealing with numerous pathogens, each of which poses a specific threat to public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides guidance on handling wastewater safely, and this course will focus on the latest information available. Topics covered will include the various factors attributing to the transmission of infectious diseases and measures which can be taken to help reduce the spread of these diseases by the public utility. We will also address basic hygiene practices, personal protective equipment, and disposal actions that should be taken by water and wastewater operators when handling untreated wastewater.
Enhanced Nutrient Removal with Fixed Film Processes TRE 5343-13-02 All Wastewater, All Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Wastewater treatment facility personnel will review the basic and enhanced nutrient removal (BNR/ENR) processes for removal of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) from wastewater. Nutrient removal regulations pertinent to protecting the Chesapeake Bay will be discussed. BNR/ENR systems with fixed film/attached growth technologies will be the focus of class discussion. Topics include: forms and sources of nitrogen and phosphorus, biological nitrification and denitrification for nitrogen removal, need for BOD removal to enhance nitrogen removal, biological uptake and chemical addition for phosphorus removal, alkalinity adjustment, supplemental carbon requirements, process testing, process control, process math, and permit compliance. The importance of methanol addition or other carbon sources like glycerin will be fully discussed as a food source for denitrifying organisms. Metal salt addition and effluent filtration using granular media and low-pressure membrane filters for enhanced suspended solids and phosphorus removal will be presented. Key design issues, process configurations, and operational techniques for biological aerated filters (BAF), up and down flow denitrification filters, integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS), and moving bed bio-film reactors (MBBR) will be discussed. Optimizing operations for year-round effluent performances will be discussed for both nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Operational issues related to TN and TP removal will be identified along with recommended corrections.
Excavation Safety - Trenching and Shoring TRE 1879-99-03 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
OSHA states excavation and trenching are among the most hazardous construction operations. They define an excavation as any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in the earth's surface formed by earth removal. Participants will be introduced to the requirements of the OSHA Excavation Standard, 29 CFR 1926 (Subpart P). Subjects covered will be the causes of trench failure, soil classification, trench protection systems, hazardous atmospheres and conditions, inspection techniques, and competent person responsibilities. This course will provide the basic training requirements for competent persons. Additional instruction will be given on: tests used to classify soil types in the field, the different methods of cave-in protection; selecting proper shoring methods using the provided OSHA tables; and the methodology used to minimize these and other hazards.
First Line Supervisor TRE 4086-07-09 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
The First Line Supervisor Training Program is an interactive, participant-involved one-day course designed to expose supervisors and aspiring supervisors to a variety of critical skills, situational scenarios and strategies for effective supervision. Participants will be exposed to various supervisory dilemmas where they apply “lessons learned” to specific managerial problems and mock scenarios that routinely confront the first line supervisor on a daily basis. Accountability and responsibility will be explored as well as the supervisor’s role in institutionalizing ethical behavior. Instruction will also focus on the supervisor’s use of counseling as a behavioral control technique to solve performance-related problems while providing a foundation for future performance expectations.
Fundamental Principles of Wastewater Treatment Processes TRE 4683-09-11 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
New wastewater operators, or those who are looking for a basic refresher, will benefit from this class on the fundamental principles of wastewater treatment. Participants will explore the different wastewater treatment processes common to our industry today. Topics covered will include basic wastewater treatment techniques common to all processes; various types of wastewater treatment, including lagoon science and sequencing batch reactors (SBRs); a comparison of the most common treatment processes and variants; and a discussion on the pros and cons of one treatment technique over another.
Generators, Engines, and Emergency Power TRE 5430-13-08 All Categories, All Classes - 7 hours
Is your water or wastewater system prepared? Are you able to handle a loss of electricity at your facility during a natural disaster using generators and other forms of emergency power? This course will give the student a working knowledge of Generators & Emergency Power used in treatment Plants. Topics covered will include: Standby & Emergency Generation Theory of Operation, Prime Movers, AC Generator Control, Operation & Protection, Generator Loading, Basic Troubleshooting and Maintenance. Operators will discuss of real world problems with Standby & Emergency Power systems and the methods of troubleshooting and repairing of these problems.
Groundwater Treatment Options TRE 6020-16-11 All Water Treatment - Process - 7 hours
Due to its instant availability and quality, groundwater has become a prime source of drinking water around the country. This course is intended for public water system operators who use groundwater as their source of supply. Topics will include typical groundwater hydrology, surface and subsurface features of a typical production well. Ground water treatment options for water quality challenges will be introduced with emphasis on disinfection using chlorine, hypochlorite, UV, ozone, and chlorine dioxide. Regulatory challenges related to the disinfection byproducts rule are also addressed.
How to Prevent a Catastrophic Event to Your Water or Wastewater System TRE 5703-15-04 All Operators, All Superintendents - Process - 7 hours
Operators and superintendents must recognize that many of the common standard practices used at water and wastewater systems today can lead to a potential catastrophic issue at their facilities. This course looks at some of these issues, where if not addressed, can ultimately lead to events that potentially cause bodily harm or even kill operators and customers if not effectively addressed. First, we will look at the results of lack of verification of even the very basic chemicals delivered to our facilities, document case histories where events have occurred, and show system personnel how simple and easy a verification program is to establish. Next, we will address operational issues such as the laboratory result where the Pink-Red color that develops in the DPD Chlorine test, but is not chlorine; and what operations personnel can to do to mitigate these issues. Additionally, learn why the Infrastructure Age requires extra vigilance to prevent system contamination. Even with backflow prevention, the fact remains that a garden hose is still the number one potential contamination source for water systems. We will discuss why water stagnation and biofilm formation can lead to bacterial contamination and how operations can minimize these issues with simple low-cost steps.
Hypochlorite Disinfection TRE 5456-13-11 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Hypochlorites - sodium and calcium - are the most common form of disinfection used in water treatment. This course focuses on the properties, use, and feed equipment when using hypochlorite for disinfection. Operators will be introduced to the uses and properties of hypochlorites, chemical handling including safety, regulatory requirements, and feed equipment. Various mathematics principles will be addressed throughout the workshop including changing % concentrations, dosage/feed rates, chlorine demand/dose, and CT calculations.
Industrial Stormwater - Basics TRE 6463-18-10 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 6 hours
Facilities in Maryland with a stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity are regulated and required to apply for permit coverage which authorizes them to discharge stormwater to the waters of the State. In Maryland, there are several General Permits that can be applied for based on the industry sector. This Permit requires regulated industrial facilities to have a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) in place, sample and monitor their stormwater runoff, implement nutrient control measures, and requires appropriate reporting and corrective actions. Industrial stormwater permit holders will benefit from this training which focuses on general permitting for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities. This includes facilities which are industrial sites (including no exposure exemptions), mineral mines, concrete and asphalt plants, marinas, coal mines, and seafood processors. Topics will include notice of intent (NOI), site evaluations, SWPPPs, permit coverage processes, monitoring and sampling, corrective actions, implementation of Chesapeake Bay Restoration Requirements, maintenance, reporting (NetDMR), and inspection information. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact in small groups with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) staff while discussing the permitting processes and how to complete NOIs and develop SWPPPs.
Instrumentation and Controls Basics TRE 6161-17-06 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
Instrumentation and controls has become an integral part in the day-to-day operations of any treatment plant to control and/or monitor plant processes. This course provides entry-level operators with a basic knowledge of instrumentation and how to use it to monitor water and wastewater treatment processes. Operators will learn the skills to recognize abnormal operation, perform rudimentary preventative maintenance, and report malfunctions. Topics will include typical instruments and their purposes, use of Original Equipment Manufacturer’s manuals, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), basics of monitoring and control of processes using the Human Machine Interface (HMI), types of alarms, basic diagnostic operations, and preventative maintenance measures.
Legal Liability: The Operator and Superintendent TRE 5318-13-01 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
As a water or wastewater treatment superintendent, manager or operator, it is critical you recognize the various types of legal liability you face while operating your systems and the repercussions of your actions. This course will provide participants with an overview of the legal requirements of the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Maryland's water pollution and water supply laws, as well as additional requirements created by the courts and professional certification authorities. Attendees will leave with an understanding of the consequences of failing to meet statutory requirements and professional standards in their daily activities. This interactive course will explore issues through real-life examples of legal actions against facility staff and simulations of facility operations.
Managing Multiple Priorities in the Water and Wastewater Industry TRE 5664-15-03 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
Does your position description state "manage multiple priorities?" In today's work environment, superintendents, managers and operators are responsible for more and more tasks with fewer people available to perform them. Managing multiple priorities is necessary to efficiently handle workflow. It requires using proven methods to increase effectiveness when multi-tasking. Specific topics include: methods for establishing goals and priorities, skills for more effective planning of work, and techniques for utilizing available resources to efficiently accomplish goals within the water and wastewater industry. Additionally, your role as a superintendent/manager in assisting your subordinates to work effectively will be examined.
Mechanical Maintenance and the Operator TRE 6018-16-11 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
This training is designed to provide operators with a greater understanding of mechanical maintenance and the effect it has on process operations. The course will identify how maintenance activities directly affect process control and the effects that poor maintenance can have on the ability to properly treat wastewater and drinking water. During the course we will discuss common tools and equipment that are utilized in effective equipment maintenance and troubleshooting to help identify items that should be in every operator’s tool kit. We will also cover predictive maintenance technology and its applications to water and wastewater treatment equipment, including thermography, vibration analysis, and proper lubrication.
Meeting Nutrient (Phosphorous and Nitrogen) Removal Standards TRE 4854-10-12 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Various options and operating practices currently used and available for removing nutrients from wastewater will be covered in this course. Biological technologies will be addressed as to the ease (or difficulty) and cost of nutrient removal. The effluent concentration required will be discussed as to the appropriateness of enhanced nutrient removal (ENR) techniques used to remove TN to less than 3.0 mg/l and TP to less than 0.3 mg/l. The importance of methanol addition or another carbon source will be fully discussed as a food source for denitrifying organisms. Metal salt addition and effluent filtration for phosphorus removal will be presented. Nutrient removal regulations pertinent to protecting the Chesapeake Bay will also be discussed. Finally, operational issues related to TN and TP removal will be summarized along with recommended corrections.
Membrane Filtration and Fluoridation Technologies TRE 4072-07-07 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Membrane filtration and fluoridation technologies will be explored in this one-day course. Discussion will include an up-close look at the membrane filtration treatment methods. Membrane processes and parameters will be introduced followed by operational and maintenance techniques. The uses of membrane filters to remove fluoride will be discussed in depth. Participants will review fluoride applications and the evaluation methods used for determining performance. The operator will also review safe handling techniques of fluoride and review how to properly store this treatment agent. Actual facilities will be topics of classroom discussion and demonstrations.
Microbiology in Wastewater Treatment TRE 5613-14-12 All Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Wastewater operators will obtain improved process control through microscopic examination of mixed liquors and other waste streams. The basics of microbiology will feature techniques to troubleshoot activated sludge problems and control strategy. All participants will be introduced to the microscope features and benefits, the microscope selection process, and cost factors. Time will be spent to familiarize the participants with the proper use and care of a microscope. The course includes an overview of microscopic evaluations, sampling, flocculation, filaments, toxicity, overall health, slide preparation, maintenance, staining techniques, and sample examination. The course will also cover organism identification and the effects of the presence, absence, mobility, and organism type on water and wastewater process control.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Reporting TRE 6027-17-01 All Operators, All Superintendents - Process - 7 hours
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. This one-day course is designed to train wastewater operators and superintendents on the NPDES reporting process in Maryland. The following topics will be covered: general objectives of the discharge reporting system, proper identification of excessive discharges, required methods for reporting to regulatory agencies, and the accurate preparation of monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports. Dissolved oxygen, chlorine residual, pH tests, and flow monitoring will also be discussed. Each participant must bring to class, a calculator with a log function and a copy of his or her plant's Discharge Permit.
NSC First Aid, CPR, and AED TRE 2835-03-06 All Categories, All Classes - Non-Process - 7 hours
This National Safety Council First Aid, CPR, and AED course is designed to provide participants with critical skills and knowledge to respond to and manage an emergency situation that can save a life. Course topics include: assessing the scene of an emergency, establishing the condition of a victim, infection control, and the latest guidelines for CPR and emergency cardiac care. Participants will work with a manikin to practice one-rescuer CPR and rescue breathing, use of an AE, and techniques for managing choking. Participants will also be introduced to first aid basics, including the treatment of medical emergencies and injuries and other techniques that they may need until emergency medical services arrive. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a National Safety Council First Aid CPR, and AED course completion card, valid for two years.
Operation of Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nutrient Removal TRE 6555-19-05 Wastewater Treatment, Industrial Wastewater - Process) - 7 hours
Aerobic Sequence Batch Reactors (SBR) are unique configured, activated sludge plants. Central to the SBR design is the use of a single tank for multiple aspects of wastewater treatment, e.g., BODs, TSS’s and nutrient removal. The process operates with a single sludge in a single reactor basin to accomplish both biological treatment and solids-liquid separation. Operators will review the SBR processes and become familiar with process control tests and troubleshooting. Topics in this course will include the history of SBRs, process configurations, process operation and controls, aeration and mixing, performance expectations, troubleshooting, and instrumentation and automation control.
OSHA 10-Hour Construction TRE 2262-01-03 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 10 hours
Orienting new personnel or serving as a refresher to construction safety and health standards, this course will provide an overview for participants on areas of construction safety and the OSHA guideline 29 CFR – 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. Topics discussed will include an introduction to OSHA, with an overview of the OSHA standards including the Focus Four: Fall Hazards; Caught-In or –Between Hazards; Struck-by Hazards; and Electrocution Hazards. Other topics may include: Toxic and Hazardous Substances; Stairways and Ladders; Scaffolding; Competent Person Requirements; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); Hand and Power Tools; Lockout/Tagout; Signs, Signals and Barricades; Confined Space Entry; and Lift Truck Safety. Upon successful completion of this course, students receive the OSHA completion card from the Department of Labor.
Peracetic Acid Applications Technology in the Water Wastewater Process TRE 6712-20-03 All Operators; All Superintendents - Process
Peracetic acid is perhaps an up-and-coming alternative and supplemental disinfectant for both water and wastewater. This is an oxidizer with a terrific track record of use in a variety of other industries. See why water and wastewater are exploring this oxidizer as an alternative to standard practice disinfection. In this session we will discuss why peracetic acid may be a choice as a pre-oxidant in potable water to reduce byproduct and why in some state's wastewater facilities look at peracetic acid as an alternative for residual removal. Learn how and why capital and operating costs for installations are very minimal. We will explore current installations and pilots to see all the benefits this oxidizer may have for systems.
Phosphorus Removal TRE 104-85-11 All Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
To protect the Chesapeake Bay, phosphorus removal is required at Maryland wastewater treatment plants. Enhanced levels or additional removal of phosphorus may be required in newly issued discharge permits. This course will explain how phosphorus, as a nutrient, adversely affects the Chesapeake Bay and how phosphorus can be removed to less than 0.1 mg/l using physical, chemical and biological methods. Use of iron and aluminum salts, their competing reactions with ortho-phosphorus and alkalinity, best chemical addition points, and common application methods will be thoroughly discussed. This course will also explain how reducing phosphorus at the source through phosphate detergent bans has been a great benefit to WWTPs. Finally, the course will provide the benefits of biological uptake of phosphorus and how to maximize this effect using modern day Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) process to minimize chemical addition and the costs and sludge generation associated with chemical addition.
Plant Optimization TRE 5704-15-04 All Operators, All Superintendents - Process - 7 hours
In this time of increasing budget constraints, the operator (superintendent) needs to have some tools available for cost cutting and process optimization while still meeting all permit parameters. Students will study example budgets, learn how to minimize energy use and costs, develop methods to minimize chemical use and costs, and examine how labor and contract costs contribute to budget expenditures. Students should bring a process flow diagram from their facility (or be prepared to draw one). If a line item budget from the student's facility is available, students should also bring that to class.
PLC for Non-Programmers TRE 6220-17-08 Wastewater Collection, Water Distribution - Non-Process - 7 hours
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) are robust industrial computers that contain hardware and software used to perform control functions in most automation industries. In the water and wastewater industries, PLCs are the brain behind gathering, execution and processing of data at remote stations including lift stations, water distribution tanks and pressure reducing stations. At the end of this course, non PLC programmers will understand the importance of PLC in process control and industrial automation, architecture of PLC, internal processes, communication in PLC, and basic understanding of Ladder Logic language.
Preliminary Treatment Processes for Wastewater TRE 5804-15-11 Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater, Wastewater Collection - Process - 7 hours
This class will identify and characterize the preliminary treatment processes used in wastewater treatment. These pretreatment processes are all designed to protect the downstream equipment and treatment systems. The processes include screening, grinding, grit removal, flow equalization, odor/corrosion control and flow measurement. The class will review the safety concerns and protective measure related to these processes. Indicators of process efficiencies, math concepts and regulatory issues are also addressed. Participants are encouraged to describe their own experiences in this area, including examples of successful troubleshooting and corrective actions in class discussions.
Preventing Workplace Violence TRE 2458-02-04 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
Violence in the workplace is a serious public health problem. This course is intended to show both operators and superintendents how to deal effectively with potentially volatile situations. This session will focus on the employee’s role in helping to prevent violence in the workplace and ways to diffuse violent situations. Participants will be introduced to the stages of violent behavior; preventive measures; warning signs of workplace violence; security-conscious thinking; and measures required to take action.
Principles of Wastewater Treatment Processes TRE 6465-18-10 Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater, Wastewater Collection - Process - 7 hours
This course is designed to assist new and experienced wastewater operators work through the fundamental principles associated with the wastewater treatment process. Each of the wastewater treatment processes discussed will cover the description of the process; the application and use of each treatment; the operations monitoring and adjustments available for each wastewater process; pumps, motors, and controls, process and mechanical troubleshooting, instrumentation and controls; associated mathematical and laboratory processes used to monitor and control the treatment of wastewater; and safety issues related to the treatment process.
Process Control for Operators TRE 4668-09-09 Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
This course is intended for intermediate level operators working at activated sludge wastewater treatment plants of all sizes and types. Operational parameters and design standards normally used for process control and troubleshooting will be discussed, along with how they are used to evaluate and monitor treatment units and processes. Participants will be given worksheets for calculating PPD loadings, F/M, sludge age, and MCRT along with several process control examples to complete in class. During the last part of the class, participants will be divided into teams to complete at least two process control assignments using the tools and skills taught earlier in the class. Nutrient removal will be discussed, but the focus will be on utilizing operational parameters and design standards for process control. The course will cover flow-through and batch processing activated sludge treatment processes. Participants are encouraged to discuss actual plant problems or know case studies. Each participant should bring a calculator to this class.
Process Management through Chemical Resource Conservation TRE 3818-06-07 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Process management and chemical resource conservation allow operators to measure dosages while limiting the amount of chemicals used. The operator will explore common dosage mistakes and implement corrective measures. Dosage processes such as chemical feed, strength, pump calibration, product verification and residual measurements will be covered.
Public Utility Leader TRE 5908-16-05 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
The traditional definition of leadership is evolving in today’s multi-generational and multi-cultural workplace. Whether you are an operator, team leader, or superintendent this course will give you the tools and skills needed to be successful in leading others in a diverse workforce. Participants will learn the difference between a leader and a manager; how to effectively delegate work and set realistic goals and expectations; how to document performance and provide constructive feedback. Other topics will include performance evaluation dos and don’ts and how to reward and recognize good performance.
Pumps, Motors, and Controls TRE 5026-11-12 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
Appropriate operations of the pumps and their maintenance are critical to keeping water and wastewater systems up and running daily. This training will give the participant an introduction to the theory and operation of the various pumps used in water and wastewater systems. In addition to an overview of basic pump hydraulics and pumping systems, there will be discussions on centrifugal pump operation, components, maintenance and troubleshooting.
Removing Arsenic from Drinking Water TRE 6669-19-11-A Water Treatment - 7 hours
Arsenic can be found in both surface water and groundwater sources, with concentrations generally higher in groundwater. The presence of arsenic (As) in nature is due mainly to natural deposits of metalloids in the earth’s crust and particularly in ancient rock formations. Arsenic enters ground water through erosion. Most notably, arsenic concentrations exceeding drinking water standards have been detected in Maryland’s Coastal Plain Province near the Chesapeake Bay. Utilities in the affected area opted for either an alternative water source (e.g., blend low-arsenic water with higher-arsenic water, use surface water or drill deeper wells) or installed inexpensive treatment methods to remove the arsenic from their water. This class provides a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of arsenic removal from drinking water. As the appropriate treatment removal process for a specific water supply depends on the characteristics of the raw water supply, topics covered will include: chronic effects of long-term exposure to arsenic; areas in Maryland most likely to have elevated concentrations of arsenic in ground waters; the two main forms of arsenic in groundwaters; arsenic removal systems from Maryland groundwater; and differences in removal approaches for As V and As III.
Respiratory Protection Training TRE 2671-02-11 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
Water and wastewater personnel need a working knowledge and the necessary skills to use, care and select personal protective equipment (PPE) as required under OSHA Standard 1910.134. This course will discuss hazardous atmospheres, respirator types, proper fit testing, and respirator care. After this course, the student should be able to recognize potentially hazardous atmospheres; define types of air-purifying respirators and air-supplying respirators; evaluate and select an air purifying respirator and cartridge; calculate protection factor (PF) and allowable concentration of contaminants relationships; list steps to proper respirator fit testing; and describe proper steps for cleaning, inspecting, and storing a respirator.
Safe Drinking Water Act - Federal Regulations TRE 3830-06-09 Water Treatment 1-5 and G, Water Distribution Operators, Water Distribution Superintendents - Process - 7 hours
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was established to protect public health by regulating the nation's public drinking water supply. The SDWA authorizes the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to set national health-based standards for drinking water to protect against both naturally-occurring and man-made contaminants that may be found in drinking water. Working together, federal agencies, state agencies and water system personnel make sure that these standards are met. This course will introduce water supply system personnel to the most recent SDWA revisions, including Maryland regulations, and the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. Additionally, participants will review the 1996 amendments which greatly enhanced the existing law by recognizing source water protection, operator training, funding for water system improvements, and public information as important components of safe drinking water. Information about updated monitoring requirements, recordkeeping, emergency planning and response, and certification will be covered.
SCADA for Water and Wastewater Operations TRE 6466-18-10 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) are highly distributed control systems used for geographically dispersed stations or assets, normally scattered over large areas. This course is designed to show the participants how SCADA systems can be used to get the best performance out of water and sewer systems at the least cost. It will cover the components of a SCADA system and show how they function and relate back to a treatment plant. At the end of this course, operators, technicians, mechanics and engineers will have a working overview of SCADA, its importance, architecture, advantages and disadvantages, terminology and the overall process control and connectivity.
Screening Water and Wastewater for Safety, Security, and Toxicity TRE 5805-15-11 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
The activated sludge process has limitations when handling toxic influents of unknown origin and strength. Once the bug population is destroyed or inactivated due to toxicity or high BOD loading, regrowth is a painful, time consuming process. Time is of the essence when this occurs, so an immediate screening of the process can provide real-time information for decision-making. Simple screening tools will be discussed, such as: chemical oxygen demand tests, quick biological scans, rapid biological toxicity screening, and oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Participants will also discuss how quick screens of key areas of their water system for safety and security vulnerabilities can be beneficial, examine how case-histories and low-cost ideas and applications can be used to monitor strategic areas of their water system and how these tools can be used as an early-warning mechanism to prevent disinfection residual violations, or assess the system for intrusions. Monitoring system components, applications and integration from hardware to data acquisitions and transmission will also be covered.
Solids Handling TRE 2007-99-08 Wastewater 2-6 and S, Industrial Wastewater 2,3,5,6,7, Water Treatment 3-5 - Process - 7 hours
Wastewater operators need to have practical knowledge for dealing with sludge thickening and dewatering. In this course, students will analyze the characteristics of primary, secondary, and chemical sludge and the types of treatment processes used for each. Topics covered will include gravity thickening, dissolved air floatation, centrifuge operation, gravity belt, and belt filter presses, and vacuum filters. Each participant should bring a calculator to this course.
Sources and Treatment of Water TRE 5339-13-02 Water Treatment, Water Distribution - Process - 7 hours
Water operators will explore water treatment for both the ground and surface facilities. Students will be introduced to surface water source options and ground water wells and how they are constructed and maintained. Other topics will include various treatment strategies such as Disinfection and Corrosion control, Iron and Manganese Removal, Arsenic and Organic removal. Various water treatment chemicals and their feed systems will also be covered.
Thermal Controls in Water/Wastewater Processes TRE 3817-06-07 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Chlorination, fluoridation, corrosion, chemical feed, activated sludge, BNR, laboratory/field sampling, including pumps, motors and control centers are affected by thermal changes. This course will review the thermal controls in water and wastewater processes and the importance of calibration and traceability protocols of the thermometer.
Tips and Tools for 21st Century Water/Wastewater Process Monitoring TRE 2189-00-10 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
In order to maintain the water/wastewater treatment process at peak operational performance, operators can effectively utilize simplified on-site monitoring tools and techniques. This interactive course examines reduction/oxidation (redox) and simple alkalinity monitoring as tools that enable the operator to assess current operational conditions, identify problem areas, and make operational changes. This course also covers simplified monitoring methods for nutrient measurements and residuals measurement such as fluoride, pH, and dissolved oxygen.
Troubleshooting Pumps TRE 190-86-09 All Operators - Non-Process - 7 hours
Operators will be introduced to the basic troubleshooting skills needed when a centrifugal pump shows signs of failure. The course includes a review of basic hydraulic terminology and component functionality. Additionally, a study of a typical pump curve and a discussion of water, brake and motor horsepower will provide the operator with a background in centrifugal pumps and their operating principles. Troubleshooting typical centrifugal pump problems based on given symptoms will be covered in detail.
Ultraviolet Disinfection TRE 3889-06-11 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Ultraviolet disinfection (UV) techniques and applications are used for both potable water and wastewater systems. Operations personnel will discuss the advantages of ultraviolet disinfection systems compared to typical chemical disinfection systems like chlorine or ozone. Course topics will include: how UV is used for controlling giardia and cryptosporidium in potable waters; defining UV; how it differs from other oxidizer-based disinfection systems including the disadvantages; and why UV is a low-cost choice for installation, operation, and maintenance. The student will benefit by reviewing the appropriate applications in community and non-community potable waters and wastewater systems.
Unidirectional Flushing Program Design TRE 2456-02-04 Water Treatment, Water Distribution - Non-Process - 7 hours
Unidirectional flushing is a maintenance technique used to ensure good water quality while exposing problems in a water distribution system. This course is intended to prepare distribution system superintendents and lead operators in establishing and conducting a unidirectional flushing program for their distribution systems. Subjects covered include basic distribution system hydraulics, flushing program objectives, tool and equipment requirements, valve and hydrant operation, flushing program design, dechlorination criteria, data collection, customer relations, and flushing problem solving. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to list and explain the major components of a flushing program; explain the flushing process as it relates to physical requirements, field operations, and dechlorination requirements and techniques; define the administrative and customer relations requirements of a flushing program; and analyze problems in systems in order to develop solutions.
Verifying the Water and Wastewater Process TRE 4301-08-06 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
When it comes to process management, choosing the best verification protocol is all about selecting the appropriate method. This program reviews the selection process by looking at the various methods operators can choose to obtain information for daily reports, process management and even process control. Protocols will be addressed to let operators choose the between the best selection methods for water/wastewater quality. Six verification methods will be addressed, Gravimetric, Colorimetric, Titrimetric, Turbimetric, Electrometric and Nepelometric methods.
Wastewater Treatment - Intermediate TRE 6371-18-05 Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater, Wastewater Collection - Process - 7 hours
This intermediate class if for operators who have been in the industry for a few years. Topics discussed will include the chemical and biological characteristics of wastewater; preliminary treatment, primary treatment, and secondary treatment; advanced treatment for nutrient removal; disinfection; and sludge management at the intermediate level. Participants will review the NPDES system, calculate chlorine usage and discuss the hazards encountered in the wastewater treatment system. This course will also cover wastewater treatment technology.
Wastewater Treatment - Nutrient Removal TRE 6022-16-11 Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater - Process - 7 hours
Wastewater treatment systems take human and industrial liquid wastes and make them safe enough, from the public health perspective, to return to the aquatic environment. Forms of nitrogen and phosphorus nitrification and denitrification, chemical and biological phosphorus removal, alkalinity adjustment, supplemental carbon sources, process testing, control and permit compliance will all be discussed in detail. The effluent concentration required will be discussed as to the appropriateness of enhanced nutrient removal (ENR) techniques used to remove TN to less than 3.0 mg/l and TP to less than 0.3 mg/l. Optimizing operations for year-round effluent performances will be discussed for both nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Operational issues related to TN and TP removal will be identified along with recommended corrections.
Water and Wastewater Chemical Feed Applications and Process Control TRE 6670-19-11-A All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Effective chemical application is essential to the treatment of water and wastewater. Participants will start with a review of units, constants, periodic table, and basic math formula, used to calculate dosages for various types of chemical feed applications. Then commonly used chemicals and products will be broken down into groups such oxidizers, sulfur compounds, metal salts and polymers. Treatment goals, process monitoring, and process control techniques in addition together 'need to know' information will be discussed for the more commonly used products within each group.
Water Filtration TRE 5079-12-03 All Operators - Process - 7 hours
Operators will examine the different methods of filtration, the types of filters and their component used in a water system, the pretreatment process and common components associated with granular media filters. They will also learn about optimizing their filtration performance and the techniques of evaluating the filter beds to recognize problems before they occur. Evaluation techniques for water filtration will include taking freeboard measurements, obtaining a top layer gravel footprint, measuring filter rise rate during backwash, and performing floc retention analysis to determine how effective your backwash is at cleaning your filter media.
Well Systems - An Introduction to Operation and Maintenance TRE 1099-94-10 Water Treatment, Water Distribution - Process - 7 hours
This course is intended for superintendents and operators of public water systems that utilize groundwater wells as a source of supply. Topics to be covered include groundwater hydrogeology; types of wells and drilling techniques; well pumps, motors, and control systems; well pump station design; operational strategies; well maintenance and rehabilitation alternatives; water quality monitoring; performance monitoring and troubleshooting; and sanitary risks and protection.
Working Across Generations TRE 7051-21-07 All Operators, All Superintendents - Non-Process - 7 hours
For the first time, there are four generations working together in the workplace. To achieve true collaboration at work you need a foundation that helps you understand and promotes your value for the differences and similarities among those who are from different generations than yours. This class will highlight where each of the four generations are coming from, describe some of the conflicts between generations, and suggest how to overcome these generational differences.
*COMAR one training unit is assigned for each hour of instruction.
**WWSO TRE Policy Updated 12/15/2022: in-person and virtual / remote instructor-led training that includes a Learning Quiz may be approved for an additional “1.5x credit” to be assigned with proof of passing of the Learning Quiz. Self-Paced Training is required to include a Learning Quiz for attendance documentation and is thus not eligible for the additional “1.5x credit”.